The modules listed below are for the academic year 2025/26 and represent the course modules at this time. Modules and module details (including, but not limited to, location and time) are subject to change over time.
Modules may include:
Dissertation (Mandatory – 40 credits)
This module emphasises ethical research practices and prepares for research-oriented roles or positions requiring advanced analytical skills. Focuses on conducting independent research in animal management and behaviour, you will design, conduct, and analyse a research project, gaining advanced skills in research methodologies, data analysis, and scientific communication.
British Ecological Concepts (Mandatory - 20 credits) UK habitats, with practical applications in species identification and habitat assessment. Through engaging in fieldwork, you will develop an understanding of ecosystem health and learn about British ecological legislation and career opportunities within British ecology.
Anthrozoology (Mandatory - 20 credits)
This module focuses on ethical considerations and domestication through examination of the historical and modern relationships between humans and animals. You will analyse the social and ethical implications of keeping animals in various contexts and learn the different techniques for optimising welfare across environments.
Animal Diversity and Evolution (Mandatory - 20 credits)
You will explore the evolutionary processes and adaptations that have shaped animal life on Earth through the study of phylogeny, morphology, and embryonic development to understand species relationships and evolutionary changes.
Animal Psychology and Cognition (Mandatory 20 - credits)
This module prepares you to design studies in animal cognition and address challenges in husbandry and conservation. You will critically evaluate cognitive research and delve into the mental processes and behaviours of animals, including perception, learning, memory and problem-solving.